As I write this post on February 15th, Alex and Chloe turned one and we celebrated them today, snot, coughs and all. But this session was back in October when they were 8 months old, on a bit of a fresh day at Jericho Beach. In somewhat typical fashion, Alex hadn't napped well and was tired and not thrilled with what we wanted her to do. However, I am grateful for my camera's shutter speed and out of the few hundred pictures I took, we got a pretty decent representation of these twinsies and their parents.
In case you're new here, these are my nieces! And we sure love them to pieces. With our other two nieces living in Ontario, these are the first family babies we've been able to really watch grow on a regular basis and it is crazy to think that they are already one.
Hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed taking them! Love you guys!
(For reference sake, Alex is in the pink dress and Chloe's wearing the salmon-colored dress)