Monday, March 11, 2013

{Newborn} Alex & Chloe

Oh my goodness. This is a very dear-to-my-heart session. These beautiful girls are my nieces, Alex and Chloe, who were born on February 15th at 11:08am and 11:30am, respectively. These fraternal twins were born naturally (as in, not a c-section) at 5lbs each. My husband and I were able to go in to meet them when they were two days old - it was the longest wait ever, but so worth it! And I've seen them every weekend since, which is not super typical as they live an hour away.

So a week after they were born, I went in to their little 1-bedroom sauna apartment to do newborn pictures; my first twin session ever. Space was tight, light was limited, and there were two babies to settle and keep happy. Chloe was a champ. I could do anything with her, move her, position her, and she would just keep sleeping and be super pliable. Alex, on the other hand, was far more sensitive to movement, temperature changes and positioning. So I definitely had my work cut out for me!

I allowed over 3 hours for the session and while Chris kind of laughed about it at first, by the end of it, he totally understood why it took so long. Since the girls were so little and new, they had a hard time regulating their temperature, especially Chloe, so even though the apartment temperature had me wearing shorts and a tank top (and still feeling super warm), we needed to take some time to make sure they were warm. That was also part of the reason we didn't take their diapers off until the very end.

Twin shoots are really not at all like a single newborn session. The focal points are different, the positioning is different, the whole thing is just different. But now I have a lifetime of developing my twin photography skills!

Chris & Shereen, we love you and your beautiful girls and look forward to helping you survive the first 6 months as much as we can, holidaying with you after 6 months, and supporting you as you raise these two beautiful gifts!

I'll identify the girls by name in each picture; first will be the top picture, then bottom left, then bottom right.

{Alex, Chloe; Alex; Chloe}

{Alex, Chloe; Alex; I can't identify them by hairline in this shot.}

{Alex, Chloe; Alex, Chloe; Chloe Alex}

{Chloe, Alex; Alex, Chloe; Chloe}

{Chloe; Alex; Alex, Chloe}

{Don't know; Chloe, Alex; Chloe}

{Chloe, Alex; Chris feeding Chloe; Chris with Chloe, Shereen with Alex}

{Chris & Chloe, Shereen & Alex; Chloe, Alex; Chris, Alex, Chloe}

{Don't know; Alex, Chloe; Chloe, Alex}

{Chloe; Alex}



{Alex, Chloe; Alex, Chloe}

{Alex on the bottom}

{Bottom: Alex, Chloe}

{Top: Chloe, Alex}



{Alex, Chloe in both pictures}

{Time for you to start guessing who's who}

{Do you know?}



{Favorite of Chloe; this is amazing as a video!}



Sarah said...

You've captured some beautiful moments in these pictures! Love how small their heads look cupped in Chris' hands. The shot of one baby with her arm and a smile around the other is precious too.
Great job, Auntie!

Jennifer said...

Every one of those are AMAZING!!!

rachel joy said...

oh Kelly, so lovely! Congrats to Mom, Dad and all the fam! I love that little peanut shell / slipper looking knitted cozy. So precious.

Waltrude G. - Grandmothergoose said...

Simply gorgeous!
Great job!

Gabi Schmidt said...

The babies are adorable. You did an awesome job of capturing their adorableness. Congrats to the entire family.

Carolyn said...

Oh my goodness! They are so sweet. Great job Kelly!

Anonymous said...

Wow, so worth the wait. You have beautiful girls, I don't know how you tell them apart! Can't wait to meet them, and Shereen you look amazing!! (you too Chris lol) These are great pictures!!
Love Auntie Maureen

Carol said...

How special!

tan said...

Oh my...those are absolutely adorable babies!! Great job on capturing them:)

Brian said...

gorgeous! they are the cutest little peanuts ever, if i do say so myself.