Saturday, November 21, 2009

{Family} Sean, Bree & Clare

After postponing this photo shoot due to weather, we finally decided to just go ahead with it, starting indoors and going outside if the weather permitted. Thankfully it did!

Bree and I went to high school together and she's now married with an incredibly gorgeous 16-month-old daughter with her second on the way! It didn't take long to discover that Clare is quite independent and was not very interested in interacting with either of her parents. So we essentially chased her and worked around her and managed to get some decent shots. It was great fun, we were all thankful the rain held off, and I really could not get enough of her wide, blue eyes!

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mtvantol said...

Oh my goodness Kelly, you are soooo talented. Marian

Lindsay said...

she's cute!

Jennifer J said...

These are fantastic Kelly!!! I REALLY atta take you up on your offer to practice on people. Wow!!