Monday, January 17, 2011

{Newborn} Owen

This photo session is definitely one of my most special ones because Carolyn and I have been best friends for 25 years (WOW, that statement makes me feel old). Plus, my parents and Tony's parents are good friends, so we got together as families a bit when we were younger and I also went to elementary and high school with Tony. And now they have two beautiful kids.

I know Carolyn was a little concerned about Owen arriving right at Christmas, but he arrived one week before that. But with the busyness of the season and then me being away between Christmas and New Years, plus Tony's work schedule, the earliest we could arrange a session was January 8th. Owen was exactly 4 weeks old but still very pliable, tiny and adorable. He was not, however, interested in sleep as he stayed awake the entire session which lasted over an hour.

So now we both have a girl and a boy, in that order, and while I positively love our kids, I am happy to be out of the baby stage for ourselves. But getting to snuggle this little guy and watch his sister love on him in her own way, was pretty awesome and I loved every minute of it.

Thank you Carolyn and Tony for bringing your two adorable kids and standing in front of my camera for the afternoon so that I could capture you as a new family of four. I know there are lots of adjustments, but you're doing a great job with both of your little cuties!

Owen Thomas-3

Owen Thomas-36

{This little beauty has got some serious spunk to her; you'd never know it by this sweet picture, right?}
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Owen Thomas-20

{I asked Maddie to tell me how old she is; I like her version of '2'}
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{I love Maddie's cute little smile}
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{Nothing beats the pure, brand new skin of a newborn}
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{I think this is my favorite one of the bunch}
Owen Thomas-84

{Though this is a close second}
Owen Thomas-100

{Though this could tie for second too}
Owen Thomas-156

Owen Thomas-89

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Owen Thomas-148

1 comment:

Carol said...

Great photos, Kelly. Maddie is adorable! You have some great shots of her alone and I love the one where she is kissing her new baby brother.