Tuesday, March 30, 2010

{Newborn} Joseph

Only a few weeks ago, I was doing Sarah's maternity pictures, and exactly 2 weeks after they welcomed their new son, Joseph, into their family, we were back together for another photo session. Joseph was surprisingly alert and didn't drift off to sleep once during the time we were together and was quite content aside from the need to have a break for a snack. Definitely an enjoyable session with this family of four - thanks for coming guys. It will be awesome to watch Joseph grow!

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Sporting his adorable, furrowed brow:
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Precious toes:
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A grin?
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Big brother Elijah, checkin' out the new family member:
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Carol said...

Kelly, you are doing so great with your photo shoots. I love the one with the big brother kissing his new little brother. The mom looks terrific for just giving birth 2 weeks ago!

Vanessa said...

love these photos kelly! they're fantastic! :) you definitely captured some great moments!

Louise Chapman said...

Kelly, great work! I love the toes and grin and well, all of them!

Carolyn said...

I love your photos. When can you come and do ours?:)