Monday, December 10, 2012

{Family} Andrew & Avery

This way this session came about was a first for me. I was at Derby Reach doing a session one day and at the end, this lady came up to me and told me how she'd seen me at the beginning of my session and the thought crossed her mind to talk to me about pictures. She had decided not to but thought if she saw me again, she would come talk to me. Sure enough, we were both in the parking lot after and so she insisted it was something she'd never done, but was hoping I would be able to schedule a session for her and her family. I was so sad because I was booked to the max and had no idea how I could possibly fit her in. Until she mentioned that her husband works shift-work and we could meet during the week. Bingo!

I am so glad that she came to talk to me and that we were able to fit in a session. They're from out of town but had lived in the area because of work but were moving again because of his job. It was so random and fun to make people and places connections!

Jorja was such a sweetie...really reserved until we got to the big field and she had a great time running around (and falling into the dewy grass as there was a bit of a slope). Avery mentioned how special it was to have family photos done there because they had spent so much time there while they lived in the area.

Avery, thank you for coming up and introducing yourself to me. I had a great time with you, Andrew and sweet little Jorja. I hope you are settling in nicely to your new home :)















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