Thursday, September 20, 2012

{Newborn} Seth Anderson

Where, oh where, have I been? Good question, but there's no really good answer. Part of it is probably because I've had the slowest summer in regards to business that I've had so far. I can't say I'm complaining - it was so nice to have a wonderful summer with friends and family, doing all kinds of great things!

Now I'm back and I've had a few sessions lately that I've finally found some time to post here, starting with this handsome guy.

Seth was born at the beginning of August and he was no small fry, weighing in 10lbs 7oz! Kinda makes you give mad props to his momma, Carly, doesn't it? Well, they came over to my place at about three weeks old, as they were in the middle of moving to their new house, and we enjoyed a warm, relaxing afternoon in my living room.

This guy is super cute and totally laid back and I loved getting to meet him! Thanks for bringing him in, Carly :)









1 comment:

Jen said...

I *love* the fourth one from the bottom where it looks like he is smiling. Priceless!